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The AutoPollen Programme started in 2018 under the auspices of the grouping of European meteorological services, EUMETNET, in response to the need for coordination of activities around automatic pollen monitoring. AutoPollen aims to grow the automatic monitoring network across the continent, covering all aspects of the information chain – from the initial measurement through to products and services co-designed with end-users.


The EUMETNET AutoPollen programme seeks to take full advantage of the large potential for progress that automatic pollen and fungal observations provide. It brings together a consortium from across Europe with the multidisciplinary expertise needed to address the challenges along the entire information chain – from the actual observation through to the final end-user defined product. The programme is particularly innovative in its cooperation and standardisation from-the-start approach. It also favours convergence with the aerosol and air quality monitoring communities, which should lead to improved service provision and additional savings.

The Expert Team is divided in four Working Teams with dedicated objectives and topics that overlap, promoting collaboration between all participants. 


AutoPollen includes a wide range of participants, from EUMETNET members to universities, research institutes, and patient organisations, reflecting the diverse landscape of institutes involved in pollen and fungal spore monitoring across Europe. The programme is coordinated by the Swiss Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology MeteoSwiss.

The Bayerisches Landesamt für Gesundheit und Lebensmittelsicherheit (LGL) funds the EUMETNET AutoPollen instrument intercomparison in 2025 and 2026.

The programme also works with invited collaborators from the Bursa Uludag University in Türkiye and from the Vinnytsia National Pirogov Medical University in Ukraine. 

Furthermore, the programme collaborates with several European-level projects and organisations, including: Horizon Europe Project SYLVA (A SYstem for ReaL-Time Observation of Aeroallergens), Copernicus Atmospheric Monitoring Services (CAMS), the COST Action ADOPT (New Approaches in Detection of Pathogens and Aeroallergens – CA18226), EURAMET on the BioAirMet project and Working Group 39 of the European Normalisation Committee (CEN standard development – Technical Committee 264).

Get involved

AutoPollen warmly welcomes interested participants. Please get in touch with us should your institute be interested in participating in the programme (email: autopollen (at)